Financial Times

312 days ago

Sex Pest top fund manager Crispin Odey – damning FT article, surely he is toast now

It is not often that I praise journalists at the FT, home to snot gobbler Dan McCrum. But the Financial Times has today served up a quite brilliant expose of top fund manager Crispin Odey and I very much doubt whether he can survive this scandal. Indeed, he must now fear for his future liberty. This is a #MeToo scandal. The testimony from his victims is chilling.


1050 days ago

The opportunity for value investors provided by ESG loons such as the Financial Times

It has always amazed me how the paper that purports to be the voice of business has, on so many issues taken a profoundly anti-business line.  The FT told us to vote for Blair, to join the EMU and the Euro and to oppose Brexit. Natch it is all in favour of a radical green agenda even if it cripples business in the West. And it cannot get enough of the sort of ESG porn that the FCA also jerks off on every day. Today it bigs up a story about the FTSE Russell Index threatening 208 companies with expulsion. According to the FT:


1196 days ago

The Evil Empire’s wine own goal – fuck EU: ordering a case of 19 Crimes

Wine Merchants across the UK are, according to the EU’s fave PR mouthpiece the Financial Times, having to add £1.50 to each bottle of wine imported from the EU as a result of Brexit. Natch the poodles on the pink paper tell their rapidly declining number of readers that this is another disaster caused by Brexit. That fecker Farage and we dirty 17.4 million dirty, smelly, stupid xenophobes in the sticks have another crime to account for. But hang on?



1293 days ago

The Financial Times on the wrong side of history No 697: French jihadists & #JeSuisprofesseur

I am not sure if journalists at the Financial Times believe in free speech any more. After all, on every major issue in history, the pink paper shows itself not to be on the side of business or even sanity but the mouthpiece of smug elitist North London metropolitan liberals. That is to say on the wrong side of history. Thus, 24 hours after a French teacher was beheaded by an Islamist extremist for daring to practice and teach the virtues of free speech, I bring you an October 2 tweet from the FT’s man in Brussels. It has not aged well and is yet another reason for the dwindling readership of this sad publication to think again about their subscription. 


1417 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Eric Platt a snotgobbler in short trousers from the FT vs Warren Buffett

I start with a few words on the hard working, courageous and heroic teachers. Then it is Barry the Tit from Turner Pope who cannot read and insults the professionalism of Gary Newman but raises a wider point about how AIM and brokerages operate. Barry is a tit but I regard his employer as Best of Breed although if I had my way the breed would not exist if the Casino was run according to new rules I suggest. Finally a look at the idea from Eric “snotgobbler” Platt of the Financial Times that the greatest living investor, Mr Warren Buffett, might be past his sell by date.  Hat tip on the last point to Jim Mellon.


1688 days ago

The Financial Times tells its readers to go fuck themselves as it really loses the plot

Once known as the journal of record, the Financial Times has seen its readership tumble for many years following a litany of editorial misjudgments. Today it plunges to a new low of crass stupidity.


1789 days ago

Woodford Patient Capital Trust – the most pathetic of statements, shares slide again

I see that the spin doctors for Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) told their poodles in the deadwood press (the FT) to run a fake news article suggesting that vultures were circling looking to bid for the company and its assets. No-one, not even the PR cocksuckers at the Financial Times, believes that for a minute and the shares have slumped again today to 59p, despite, or perhaps in part because of, the weediest of statements from WPCT.


1877 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon tells it as it is on Brexit

Anyone who points out how the Financial Times is always on the wrong side of history when it comes to the EU must be a good guy and that brings us to Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) announcing interim numbers today who opines:


2456 days ago

FT Reports that Telit "parts company" with Oozi Cats - that's spin from the PR & no longer the issue

The Financial Times, always happy to help a company in trouble try to polish a turd with some PR spinning, is reporting that Telit Communications (TCM) is to part company with its founder, 12% shareholder and CEO Oozi Cats on a permanent basis. After our Boston fraudster revelations of last week Oozi had already stepped down pending an investigation by a law firm Cameron McKenna. After our revelations he was toast. But sacking Oozi is not enough after today's bombshells on this website - this is PR spinning and does not address the issue of wholesale fraud at Telit.


2488 days ago

Our Hero Wetherspoon's Martin: Re Brexit the CBI should put a sock in it, the FCA is weak and unrealistic

Tim Martin is again our4 hero of the day, speaking out against the FCA,m the CBI, the Financial Times and other remoaners" who are trtying to dilute Brexit with disingeneous comment. On the occassion of a trading statement from his JD Wetherspoon (JDW) chain of ghastly plastic pubs, Martin has let rip. The great man states:


2721 days ago

German Finance Minister wants British cash for ten years after Brexit - surely we can say "fuck off?"

German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble has always been a bit of a bastard. Screwing Greece and causing misery across the Hellenic Republic was the high point of his career. Now he wants to go one step better and screw Britain even after we have left the EU.


3292 days ago

Arria NLG – another disaster for the AIM Casino & it shows that IIs are as thick as the rest of us

This is a stonker of an AIM casino disaster – a story of greed, stupidity, investors being misled and,  as it’s the AIM casino, of private investors taking an almighty rogering. Meet Arria NLG.

Arria NLG (NLG) is a tech company set up by a former bankster Stuart Rogers. Almost entirely without revenues, the company was none the less able to raise c$40 million from institutional investors in the two years leading up to its IPO on December 5 2013.  The last of those fundraisings was at £1 a share so when it listed this company had a market cap of £102 million.

No revenues to speak of but amazing technology and a (tiny but let’s not talk about the numbers) contract with Shell and the deadwood press lapped it up. The Financial Times had the IPO as its front page story and the shares 


3367 days ago

The Financial Times claims my scoop as its & then covers it up – scumbags

At 8.47 AM on 12 February I published a bearcast (HERE) with devastating new material on Quindell and Ingenie. As a courtesy I, at once, emailed a link to journalists who had followed this fraud including Paul Murphy and Dan McCrum of the Financial Times.

After noon on 13th February McCrum then ran the same story as his own giving no attribution. It was apparently his scoop - HERE. 

This has been flagged up on the FT’s website with Bryce Elder of the FT weighing in saying that it was an FT scoop, they were working on it for a long time as “proper journalists need tome to check facts etc”.  Fine but who ran the story first????

Mr Elder has form when it comes to lying in print. 


3561 days ago

Quindell – The Great Unravel begins: RAC deal hits the buffers: FT – Questions of (lack of) cash

The Financial Times today reports that the much heralded Quindell (QPP) deal with the RAC has stalled big time. This is the start of the great unravel for at the bottom of it all is cash. Or lack of it. The FT states:

Quindell, the UK IT outsourcing services provider, has run into trouble over one of its biggest contracts, a joint venture with the RAC to put tracking devices in cars which was aimed at revolutionising the insurance industry.


3584 days ago

Accounting services all above board? Blur Group does Irony Very well

An FD of an AIM listed company has passed me the following email entitled “Accounting services all above board” sent by Dorothy from blur Group (BLUR). My mind is boggling does this company do irony. Followers of Blur will remember that within the past three months it has been forced to admit that its revenue recognition policies were all over the shop and to stage a rescue bailout.

On that basis I guess companies will be lining up to pay blur cash to help them improve their accounting standard so, like blur one is “ensuring you’re above board at every point.”

As I explained in my piece at the time of the rescue bailout I continue to regard this company as a slam dunk sell – see HERE

Oddly that piece did not feature in the “Media Coverage” section of blur’s website which is universally glowing.  The Financial Times might well have once said 


3990 days ago

Guest Post Robert Sutherland Smith: Standard Chartered: Q1 Statement creates fog of uncertainty

Robert Sutherland Smith is again proving that he is still alive with another guest post. Robert started his City career the year before I was born and is, I think, 157 years old. Fear not. He is very much alive and kicking. He and I have worked together for almost eight years at . He is my friend and he is a very funny and intelligent chap. He is now branching out to celebrate his 158th by doing some freelance writing over  at various places ( including naturally) on FTSE 350 Income stocks. Robert is a speaker at the UKInvestor Show on April 5th 2014. He is a great one for focussing on yield. RSS today looks at Standard Chartered. RSS writes:

Standard Chartered Bank’s (STAN) Q1 statement has brought the thing that  markets most particularly dislike; the fog of uncertainty. And most  particularly, the un-quantified (and thus unquantifiable) kind that the  analytical mind must abhor. The Q1 statement informs us in the most general way  without figures or percentages (the closest we get to arithmetic, are vague  references to such thing as “low/high digit” changes etc) which mean as good as  nothing to the numerate, calculating analyst and reporter. For someone like the  reporter and commentator on the Financial Times trying to put objective  copy together, it is about as insufferably and frustrating a thing as could be  imagined.

It creates the impression that either the company did not know exactly what  had gone on (the least likely  explanation) or knew too well and did not  wish to give it more precise substance? Whatever the reason, it left  commentators without scope for analytical exploration and explanation?

